The Ogniwo Polish Museum Archives (OPMA) holds unique historical and culturally valuable records that document the history of the Polish-Canadian community, the Polish diaspora in Winnipeg, and the broader Canadian immigration and settlement experience.


Ogniwo Polish Museum Archives is interested in the records of the Polish community in Winnipeg. This includes records of individuals and families (e.g., letters, photographs, home videos, notebooks, employment records, immigration and settlement records, memoirs, notes, etc.) and organizations. If you would like to make a donation, please reach out so we can assess whether the records fit our collections mandate and arrange for their secure transfer. The Archival Records Donation Form must accompany every donation. The form formally transfers the records to the Museum and allows donors to specify any restrictions they would like to place on access to the records.


Archival authority records, descriptions, and finding aids (including file-level content lists) are made available via the Manitoba Archival Information Network (MAIN) as they are completed. Some of our collections are also available in digital format and can be made available to researchers virtually upon email request.  Contact us to arrange for an on-site or virtual visit to our Archives.

Adam Jozef Zurad fonds

Caroline Haydey fonds 

Celina Wiewiora fonds

CZAS Polish Press Ltd. fonds

Edward Hubicz fonds

Jozef (Joe) Zwierzchowski fonds

Lukasz Kulczycki fonds

Mary Adamowska Panaro fonds

Maslanka Family fonds 

Nicolaus Copernicus Observance Committee Inc. of Manitoba fonds

Papal Visit 1984 collection

Polish Women’s War Relief Committee fonds

Stefan Balinski fonds

Wladyslaw Wazny fonds

Wladyslaw Wazny fonds – Accrual

Zdrojewski Family fonds